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ACRZ - Aid to Children in Rural Zimbabwe

After our trip to Zimbabwe and our meetings with the program coordinators we knew that we had to do something to help the children in rural areas that are pretty much ignored by the government and other organizations. After evaluating the various needs, we felt the most urgent were the 4 programs that we are starting with: Education, Nourishment, Water and Sponsorship.

We launched these programs based on the following principles:

Without water nothing will grow, there will be no food and the children won’t be able to learn properly. Without access to Education the children will be left behind.  It’s all linked.


We have currently committed to supporting approximately 500 of the most vulnerable children through school by  providing  school fees, uniforms, school books and school supplies. In addition ,our goal is to provide a lunch program for up to 1500 children in extremely rural areas. As soon as we have accomplished this, we will start the development of  land for agriculture to provide a healthy , sustainable source of food , nutrients and potential medicinal plants for the children and their families. 


We have put in place teams of educators, community members and experts in various fields to spearhead our projects and bring them to a successful completion.


These children will not have access to education or a food program without our support, that is why we are asking for your help. 

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Tuition, Uniforms, Supplies and Lunch

Support  for children that can’t go to school because their parents can’t afford to pay the tuition fees or purchase uniforms or school supplies.


Most of the children are in a family of 4 or 5 and are either orphans living with a grandparent or an older sibling or they are living with their single mother.  


Even those families that have a father are usually on their own, as there is little work available in these communities and the fathers work outside the country.


Food Program, Farming and Agriculture 

Implementing a food program in all 3 schools. Developing community programs for fresh water and irrigation for a farm with a vegetable and herb garden, greenhouse, fruit trees, farm animals and chickens. The chief and the community already donated 25 acres in one school, and the other schools have started small garden projects. 

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Drinking, Sanitation and Irrigation

Drilling a well at the schools for drinking, hygiene and irrigation for the planned farming projects . Enhancing the solar power and mechanics of the existing wells.  



Sponsor a child with a minimum donation of $100 US to go towards schooling, clothing, medicine and other direct needs. Support for these children will help both current and  future generations thrive and be self sufficient.  

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